Governance, Security and Justice

Justice and security institutions in the developing world, particularly in Africa, are a legacy of governance systems, not least colonial systems. As such, these institutions have provisions and mechanisms in place to preserve governance systems and those that inhabit them. While it is right the governance systems are protected by security and justice systems, existing power structures and the resulting disparities between the ruling elite and others can undermine access to justice and security for all. This research cluster will seek to understand the consequences of the absence of a collective vision of security and justice for the majority and especially the most vulnerable. Within the context of parallel security and justice systems that operate under the facade of a collective governance arrangement, this research cluster aims to: review the gaps in the provision of security and justice to all within formal systems; examine the reality of environments in which the vast majority of people rely on security and justice systems that operate on the margins of formal systems and are governed by processes removed from the view of the state; comprehend the violent conflict that can be produced at the points of intersection between the two systems referred to above; and explore  the role of leadership in reinforcing the status quo as well as in articulating a solution to these challenges. It builds on past ALC research on security and justice provision to the poor.


Mapping Study 2010


Leadership and Higher Education in Africa