Outliers in Peacebuilding
This project builds knowledge on non-mainstream approaches to peacebuilding. There are a number of issues that mainstream peace building literature and policy practices do not cover. Even when they try to cover these issues, they do so only in particular ways. Themes such as gender, reconciliation, translation, peace education and leadership are some of the issues that are not adequately addressed by the mainstream peace building literature and hence they are outliers in peace building. However, the fact that they are outliers in peace building does not necessarily mean that they are of little relevance for building peace in conflict-affected societies.
Through the research undertaken by ALC Fellows, staff and associates, this project conducts a deeper interrogation of these issues. In particular, we interrogate non-state armed conflicts in Africa, which are not on the radar of mainstream peacebuilding processes – an area in which ALC Fellows are already undertaking original investigative work.
Two key questions occupy our attention in this area of work:
What models of peacebuilding are evident in the responses to non-state armed conflicts? To what extent is the dominant model of peacebuilding effective in these contexts?
How are outlier issues addressed in non-state armed conflict?