Dr Olawale Ismail
Tutors & Trainers Team
Dr Olawale (‘Wale) Ismail has over 13 years' experience of carrying out research on security and peace building issues and is the substantive Head of Research at International Alert. He holds a PhD in Peace Studies from the University of Bradford and an MPhil in International Relations from the University of Cambridge. ‘Wale is skilled in working at the interface of research, policy and practice, including undertaking policy-relevant research, SWOT analysis, and scoping studies. His main areas of expertise include security sector and justice reform; peacebuilding and post-conflict reconstruction; radicalisation and terrorism; youth, crime and violence; urbanization; and mediation and dialogue in peacebuilding.
Olawale has executed bespoke consultancies services to reputable development cooperation agencies and inter-governmental bodies including DFID, SIDA, Norwegian MFA, EU, AU, ECOWAS, SADC, etc. ‘Wale previously worked for the Stockholm International Peace Research Institute, the Conflict, Security and Development Group at King’s College London, and the Social Science Research Council in New York. He has published extensively on peace and security issues. He is a member of the Commonwealth Society, Zeit-Stiftung Ebelin Und Gerd Bucerius Foundation, Council for the Development of Social Science Research in Africa (CODESRIA), African Security Sector Network, and the Nigerian Institute for International Affairs.