Dr Mshai Mwangola
Tutors & Trainers Team
Mshai holds a PhD in Performance Studies from Northwestern University (USA). Her thesis on Kenya’s “Uhuru Generation”, titled ‘Performing Our Stories, Performing OurSelves’, approaches the idea of a generational historical mission through the re-creation, invocation and facilitation of performance as a site of individual and communal reflection. Prior to this, she obtained an MCA (Masters of Creative Arts) from the School of Studies in the Creative Arts, University of Melbourne (Australia) and a Bachelor of Education (Hons) from Kenyatta University (Kenya).
Mshaï's pedagogy, research and creative work is grounded in understanding performance as both the process and product of meaning-making.
Research Interests
Orature / Performance as Discourse
Generational Discourses
Civil Society
Culture and the Arts
Africana Education