
Margaret LoWilla Nyoka

Programme Associate - Fellowships

Margaret LoWilla is a programme associate under the fellowships programme at the ALC. She holds a Bachelor’s Degree in Economics and Business Studies from the Australian Catholic University, where she worked with Josephite Community Aid in Australia, engaging with Sudanese refugee children in a bid to aid their transition into a new educational system. She is currently a Peace, Security and Development Early Career Fellow at the African Leadership Centre, while at the same time completing a Master’s degree in Governance, Peace and Security at Africa Nazarene University, Nairobi. Margaret has worked with local civil society organizations in South Sudan on women’s rights, women’s political participation and lobby and advocacy against early and forced marriages. In her most recent work as Assistant Project Co-ordinator of Leadership Crucible in Juba, South Sudan, she focused on mobilization of young women for peace rallies and community dialogues, as well as conducting trainings on good governance and the importance of democratic participation. Her research interests include: women and the state in Africa, and the conflict dynamics in the Horn of Africa.