Dr. Eka Ikpe has researched and written on a range of issues in development economics and security and development. These include: the role of the state in economic development; interaction between agriculture, mineral resources, industrialisation and economic development; post-conflict reconstruction; development planning; regionalism, economic development and security in Africa; foreign direct investment; state fragility and donor-aid policy; security sector reform/transformation; women, peace and security; and peacebuilding.
Eka is currently Co-Investigator of the EPSRC Global Research Challenges Fund project: A Clear Road Ahead- Developing a Combined Technological and Socio-Economic Approach to Freeing Affected Communities from Anti-Vehicle Landmines (2017-2019).
Eka teaches on the MSc Degree Programmes at the King’s African Leadership Centre, undertakes supervision of PhD students and serves as admissions tutor for Postgraduate Degree programmes. She also teaches on the BA Degree Programme in International Development at the King’s Department of International Development. Eka is the International Lead for the African Leadership Centre and the King’s Department of International Development.
Eka has participated in a range of policy influencing projects including: contributing to a UK All Party Parliamentary Group on Africa Report on UK Trade with Africa in a Post-BREXIT era; co-authoring a research study on security and development in the Sahel for the United Nations Economic Commission for Africa; training of Liberian legislators on security sector reform oversight; contributing to the Economic Community of West African States (ECOWAS) Conflict Prevention Framework and co-authoring the Women Peace and Security Action Plan; participating in the European Union-Africa Research Network; and co-authoring a background document for the UK Department for International Development proposed framework for support to security and justice provision to the poor.
Eka is on the Advisory Committee for Understanding and Supporting Creative Economies in Africa: Education, Networks and Policy Research Network (funded by the Arts and Humanities Research Council). She is also on the editorial review board of the Journal of Leadership and Developing Societies.
Eka is a member of the Association for the Advancement of African Women Economists, International Initiative for Promoting Political Economy and the African Security Sector Network.
Eka holds a BA in Economics from the University of Leeds, MSc in Economics (with reference to Africa) and a PhD in Economics from the School of Oriental and African Studies, University of London.
Research Interests
- States and development
- Natural resources, industrialisation and economic development
- FDI and development
- Trade and regionalism
- Energy and development
- Peace, security and development
- Women Peace and Security
Articles in peer-reviewed journals
Ikpe, E. (Forthcoming) “The enduring relevance of the developmental state paradigm across space and time: Lessons for Africa on structural transformation and agriculture in oil-rich contexts” Journal of Asian and African Studies
Torriti, J. and Ikpe E. (2015) “Administrative Costs of Regulation and Foreign Direct Investment: Evidence from Standard Cost Model implementation in non-OECD countries” Review of World Economics, 151:1
Ikpe E. (2014) “The Development Planning Era and Developmental Statehood: The Pursuit of Structural Transformation in Nigeria” Review of African Political Economy, 41:142
Ikpe, E. (2007) “Challenging the Discourse on Fragile States”, Conflict, Security and Development Journal, 7:1
Olonisakin, F., Barnes, K. and Ikpe, E. (eds) (2011) “Women, Peace and Security: Translating Policy into Practice”, London: Routledge.
Book chapters
Ikpe, E. (2013) “Lessons for Nigeria from developmental states: The Role of Agriculture in Structural Transformation” in Fine, B., Saraswati, J. and Tavasci, D. (eds) Beyond the Developmental State: Industrial Policy into the 21st Century, London: Pluto Press
Olonisakin, F. and Ikpe, E. (2012) “The United Nations Peacebuilding Commission: Problems and Prospects” in Curtis, D. and Dzinesa, G. (eds) Peacebuilding in Africa, Athens: Ohio University Press
Ikpe, E. (2011) “Nigeria and the implementation of UNSCR 1325” in Olonisakin, F., Barnes, K. and Ikpe, E. (eds) Women, Peace and Security: Translating Policy into Practice, London: Routledge
Olonisakin, F. and Ikpe, E. (2011) “Conclusion” in Olonisakin, F., Barnes, K. and Ikpe, E. (eds) Women, Peace and Security: Translating Policy into Practice, London: Routledge
Ikpe, E. (2011) “ECOWAS, Women and Security” in Olonisakin, F. and Okech, A. (eds) Women and Security Governance in Africa, Oxford: Pambazuka Press
Ikpe, E. (2010) “Security Sector Transformation beyond the State: the Economic Community of West African States” in Bryden, A. and Olonisakin, F. (eds) Security Sector Transformation Africa, Geneva: Lit Verlag
Working/Occasional papers and monographs
Ikpe, E. (2017) The Development Objectives of EPAs and Emerging Lessons for UK- Africa Trade and Development Relations in All Party Parliamentary Group for Africa Report: The Future Of Africa-UK Trade and Development Cooperation Relations in Transitional And Post Brexit Period, London: Royal African Society/ All Party Parliamentary Group for Africa
Olonisakin, F. with Ikpe, E. and Badong, P. (2009) “The Future of Security and Justice for the Poor: A ‘Blue-Sky’ Think Piece”, prepared for UK Department for International Development, CSDG Policy Studies Papers No. 21
Picciotto, R., Alao, C., Ikpe, E., Kimani, M. and Slade, R. (2005) “Striking a new balance: Donor Policy Coherence and Development Cooperation in Difficult Environments” Background paper commissioned by the Learning and Advisory Process of the Development Assistance Committee of the OECD, January 2005 http://www.oecd.org/dataoecd/31/62/34252747.pdf