Francis K Wacera

Assistant Finance and Administration Officer

Francis K Wacera is the Assistant Finance and Administration officer at the African Leadership Center.He has over 6 years experience in Finance, administration and leadership. Prior to joining ALC, Francis has worked in diverse positions with various NGO(s) and Corporates including The Green String Network, Usawa Inc, Orbital Consultants among others. 

He holds a Bachelor's Degree in Cooperative Business specializing in Finance from The Cooperative University of Kenya. In addition he is an ongoing student for Certified Investment and Financial Analyst (CIFA). Francis research interests include Critical peace & security studies and Transitional Justice.

Contact us

Nairobi Office:
Jacaranda Avenue, P.O. BOX 25742, 00603, Nairobi
Phone :+254 714 874 578

London Office:
School of Global Affairs
King's College London, Strand Campus
Bush House (North East Wing), Room 2.16
30 Aldwych London, WC2B 4BG
Phone: +44 (0) 207 848 1984/8645

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